

The Pradatec Purchasing Department is able to explore the market based on specific needs, costs and delivery time targets.
We verify supplier offers on behalf of our customers and map them for comparison across technical-economic aspects.
Pradatec can manage the realization of a project on behalf of the client, including the permit sourcing phase.

The deadline of each activity is accurately timed based on a project schedule (GANTT). All activities are coordinated in order to obtain a fluid and problem-free sequence to achieve the pre-set delivery timing objectives.

Pradatec then provides support for project coordination, in order to achieve the goals.

In addition to detailed design, Pradatec can support the customer in the construction phase of the plant with specialized:

The Pradatec staff provides expediting services in which the progress of the supplies purchased for the construction of the plant on behalf of the customer are checked and monitored, according to customer’s plans.

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